

“What I have not drawn, I have never really seen”

Frederick Franck (painter, sculptor, author 1909-2006)

Drawing was Katie’s first love. It is her base. She has been doing it for as long as she can remember. While other artists may use sketches merely to map out a painting, Katie’s sketches are an artistic medium in themselves.

Drawing offers an immediacy that allows her to capture people in their natural habitat. The ease and convenience of a sketchbook and pencil give her the ability to seize the moment as a loved one dozes in a chair, or a stranger passes by a café window.

Katie likes to sketch from life and also to jot down ideas and details using pencil, pen, ink or charcoal.

Quick sketching provides a therapeutic interruption between painting, printmaking, work and a busy family life. It is a form of meditation, a place where she can settle into the pauses, the spaces in between.




Print making